six-month group coaching with Luka to shift your energetic identity and expand your energetic capacity to manifest & hold your desires.


Starts Monday July 4 2022.

What is this?

It's a six month, transformational group coaching experience.

Only 12 spots will be available.

Every other week you will meet with Luka and 11 other like-minded humans from around the world on a private video call online and work towards breaking free from your upper limits and expanding your energetic capacity to hold your goals, dreams and desires for life.

Starting July 2022 and ending January 2023. 

I'll take you into the start of 2023 with a whole new energy. 


  •  People-pleasing energy - keeping the peace, hiding your true essence to make everyone feel comfortable and avoid confrontation or difficult conversations
  •  Procrastination 101
  •  Fear of success that if it does workout it will mean everything will change and you’ll be stuck
  •  Fear of failure - if you do it you’ll end up failing and people will see you as a failure, or let people down
  •  Fear of judgement - you are going to be in the spotlight, criticised, crucified and judged
  •  Self doubt - you don’t think you’re good enough to do it
  •  Negative self talk - you are your worst enemy
  •  You don’t follow through on things, you feel bad because you don’t finish anything and that means you will never be successful


  •  Difficulty and struggling to set boundaries
  •  Overthinking - constantly in your head, minimal heart connection, you are always putting meaning to things and make the smallest things a big deal
  •  Self-sabotage - you end up finding a way for something to not go through
  •  You’ve got a tendency to behave a certain way that doesn’t support your best and highest path
  •  You’re one person publicly and another person privately and you want to just embody one person always
  •  You judge yourself, you are your worst critic
  •  You compare yourself to others, scrutinise yourself and watching someone else’s success makes you feel worse
  •  You always find yourself in the same situation and frustrated with your inability to break free from those situations.


All of these are created from your energetic imprint, your life experiences that have conditioned you into ways of being that are not you or serve your highest expression.

You will continue to sabotage your success if you dont work through the underlying energy that creates these circumstances.

This group coaching is going to be an unforgettable and transformative experience.


✔️ You will break through your patterns, fears, doubts, triggers and stories and identity and act as your truest expression of self

✔️ You will understand the two versions of you and which is the right one to embody and express

✔️ You will stop your sabotaging behaviours and expand your energetic capacity so you feel safe, comfortable and confident in holding your dreams, desires and goals.

✔️ You will feel empowered in all areas of your life and clear and confident of your path ahead.


✔️ You will become your biggest fan and have nourishing and supportive self talk.

✔️ You will see things like money, career, success in a positive and objective way as you break through old conditioned beliefs and stories about what those things really mean

✔️ You will have more patience, faith and trust in the plan as you break free from old concepts about your age, time, and what needs to be done for you to be successful.



Two Group Coaching Calls Per Month

Three Guest Speaker Q&A Sessions

Three Live Group Hypnosis Sessions



Save $111

  •  2x 90-minute live calls each month (12 in total)
  •  3x 60-minute guided hypnosis
  •  3x 60-minute Guest Speaker Q&A sessions
  •  Private Telegram Group
  • See Luka 3x per month for 6 months



6 Monthly Payments

  •  2x 90-minute live calls each month (12 in total)
  •  3x 60-minute guided hypnosis
  • 3x 60-minute Guest Speaker Q&A sessions
  •  Private Telegram Group
  • See Luka 3x per month for 6 months

If you have any questions or unsure whether this is going to be the right program for you - you can schedule a 15 minute call with me to ask any questions